Acronyms for Guild Wars 2

This guide is a comprehensive list of various acronyms, abbreviations, and terms that players will encounter in Guild Wars 2. If an acronym is missing from the list, feel free to leave a reply down below and I will add it.

General Game

  • GW2 – Guild Wars 2
  • GW – Sometimes GW1. Guild Wars, the original game.
  • HoT – The Heart of Thorns expansion
  • PoF – The Path of Fire expansion
  • EoD – The End of Dragons expansion
  • SotO – Secrets of the Obscure expansion
  • LWS – Living World Season
  • IBS – Icebrood Saga
  • ANet – ArenaNet, the developers of Guild Wars 2
  • AP – Achievement points
  • DR – Diminishing returns, an anti-farming and botting measure
  • GPH – Gold per hour
  • IP – Internet Protocol, each instance of a map
  • MO – Mike O’Brien, a former ArenaNet employee. Not to be confused with Mursaat Overseer.
  • PvE – Player vs Environment
  • PvX – Player versus Anything. Someone who does PvE, PvP, and WvW.
  • Pug – Pick up group, a group of random players
  • r – Sometimes rdy. Stands for ready.
  • Rep – Representing a guild
  • RP – Roleplay
  • TP – Trading post
  • Train – Players continuously completing a variety of objectives together as a group
  • Taxi – Joining another instance of a map
  • MP – Mastery Point

Gaming Culture

  • afk – Away from keyboard
  • brb – Be right back
  • gtg – Sometimes g2g, got to go
  • wb – Welcome back
  • bio – Leaving the computer to go to the bathroom
  • Disc – Discord, a popular VoIP program
  • TS – TeamSpeak, a popular VoIP program
  • Mat – Materials, used for crafting
  • FPS – Frames per second
  • DLC – Downloadable Content
  • HUD – Heads up display
  • UI – User Interface
  • NPC – Non-Playable Character

Open World

  • PoI – Point if Interest map completion objectives
  • HP – Hero Points map completion objectives
  • Heart – Renown Hearts, or Tasks, map completion objectives
  • WP – Waypoint map completion objectives
  • Meta – A series of events that are connected together, generally reward a lot of items
  • VB – Verdant Brink map
  • AB – Auric Basin map
  • TD – Tangled Depths map
  • EotN – The Eye of the North hub
  • LA – Lion’s Arch map
  • BC – Black Citadel map
  • DR – Divinity’s Reach map
  • GH – Guild Hall
  • Lab – Sometimes Laby, the Mad King’s Labyrinth
  • Akili – An event in the Domain of Istan
  • Pala – Palawadan, the meta event in the Domain of Istan
  • DBS – Death Branded Shatterer world boss in Jahai Bluffs
  • Gerent – The Chak Gerent meta event in Tangled Depths
  • Octo – The Octovine meta event in Auric Basin
  • Mat – The Wyvern Matriarch boss in Verdant Brink
  • Pat – The Wyvern Patriarch boss in Verdant Brink
  • Frogs – The Kill Cotoni and Huetzi boss event in Verdant Brink
  • Tetrad – A boss event in Verdant Brink
  • SI – Serpent’s Ire meta event
  • TT – Triple Trouble world boss
  • Teq – Occasionally Taco, Tequatl the Sunless world boss
  • RIBA – Red, Indigo, Blue, Amber. A gold farm train in the Silverwastes.
  • SAB – Super Adventure Box
  • ASS – Antique Summoning Stones, an item from End of Dragons
  • Ecto – Globs of Ectoplasm, a crafting material
  • MC – Mystic Coins, a crafting material
  • Pre – An event before a popular event
  • Champ – Champion level mobs
  • Vet – Veteran level mobs
  • DRM – Dragon Response Missions from the Icebrood Saga
  • DSD – Refers to the Deep Sea Dragon
  • JP – Jumping Puzzle
  • MF – Magic Find
  • MF – Sometimes Forge, the Mystic Forge
  • Node – A resource node, like an Ore Vein


  • AC – Ascalonian Catacombs, the first dungeon in Plains of Ashford
  • CM – Caudecus’s Manor, the second dungeon in Queensdale (not to be confused with CM – Challenge mote (below)
  • TA, occasionally Arbor – Twilight Arbor, the third dungeon in Caledon Forest
  • SE – Sorrow’s Embrace, the fourth dungeon in Dredgehaunt Cliffs
  • CoF – Citadel of Flame, the fifth dungeon in Fireheart Rise
  • HotW – Honor of the Waves, the sixth dungeon in Frostforge Sound
  • CoE – Crucible of Eternity, the seventh dungeon in Mount Maelstrom
  • Arah – The Ruined City of Arah, the eighth dungeon in Cursed Shore
  • p, commonly seen as p1, p2, p3, or p4 – Path, refers to specific versions of dungeons in explorable mode
  • Story – The story mode version of the dungeon, done to unlock explorable paths
  • U, sometimes upward, forward/upward, or u/f – the first path in Twilight Arbor
  • F, sometimes forward, forward/forward, f/f – the second path in Twilight Arbor
  • Aetherpath, sometimes Aether or AP – the third path in Twilight Arbor
  • Quick, sometimes speed or fast – Going through a dungeon quickly, generally done by experienced players

Fractals of the Mist

  • FotM, sometimes frac or fractals – Short for Fractals of the Mist
  • Fractal – Refers to individual levels, such as Urban Battleground
  • Scale – Refers to the difficulty level in FotM
  • T – seen as T1, T2, T3, or T4 – FotM Tiers of difficulty
  • rec – recommended, the daily recommended fractals
  • CM – Challenge Mode or Mote, commonly seen as CM 98, 99, or 100 for the CM of those specific fractals
  • AR – Agony Resistance, armor upgrades necessary for high level fractals
  • F&P, sometimes P+F – Potions and Food
  • UF, sometimes UFE – Unstable Fractal Essence, is a token obtained by defeating bosses in Challenge Mode Fractals
  • ess – Unstable Cosmic Essence, reward from CM 97, used as kill proof
  • DoD – Defier of Doubt, title earned from completing CM 98, used as kill proof
  • DwD – Dance with Demons, title from an achievement in CM 98, used as kill proof
  • LNHB – Leaves No Heroes Behind, title for completing CM 97, used as kill proof


  • W, commonly seen as W1, W2… W7 – Wing, specific raid maps including certain bosses
  • Wing 1, W1 – Spirit Vale
  • Wing 2, W2 – Salvation Pass
  • Wing 3, W3 – Stronghold of the Faithful
  • Wing 4, W4 – Bastion of the Penitent
  • Wing 5, W5 – Hall of Chains
  • Wing 6, W6 – Mythwright Gambit
  • Wing 7, W7 – The Key of Ahdashim
  • VG – Vale Guardian, first boss of Wing 1
  • Gors – Gorseval, second boss of Wing 1
  • Sab – Sabetha the Saboteur, third boss of Wing 1
  • Sloth – Slothasor, sometimes referred to as Cave Monster, the first boss of Wing 2
  • Trio – Bandit Trio, referred to officially as Protect the caged prisoners, prisoner camp, and occasionally “Berg, Zane, and Narell.” The second boss of Wing 2
  • Matt – Matthias Gabriel, the third boss of Wing 2
  • Escort – Sometimes keep escort, Glenna escort, Siege the Stronghold, or McLeod. The first boss of Wing 3
  • KC – Keep Construct, the second boss of Wing 3
  • TC – Sometimes castle, an encounter in Wing 3
  • Xera – The third boss of Wing 3
  • Cairn – Cairn the Indomitable, the first boss of Wing 4
  • MO – Mursaat Overseer, the second boss of Wing 4
  • Sam – Samarog, the third boss of Wing 4
  • Deimos – Occasionally referred to as Saul, the fourth boss of Wing 4
  • SH, Desmina – Soulless Horror, the first boss of Wing 5
  • River, RoS – River of Souls, the first encounter of Wing 5
  • Statues – Statues of Grenth, the second encounter of Wing 5
  • Dhuum – The Voice in the Void, VoiV, the second boss of Wing 5
  • CA – Conjured Amalgamate, the first boss of Wing 6
  • Largos – Twin Largos, Nikare and Kenut, the second boss of Wing 6
  • Q1 – Qadim, the third boss of Wing 6
  • Adina – Cardinal Adina, the first or second boss of Wing 7
  • Sabir – Cardinal Sabir, the first or second boss of Wing 7
  • Q2 – Also referred to as Qadim 2, QtP, or QTPie – Qadim the Peerless, the third boss of Wing 7
  • LI, occasionally LD – Legendary Insights or Legendary Divinations, rewards from killing raid bosses. Not to be confused with Low Intensity.
  • FC – Full clear, killing every boss in a wing

Strike Missions

  • Strike – Shorthand for strike mission
  • EZ3 – Easy 3, referring to the three easy Icebrood Saga strike missions: Fraenir of Jormag, Voice of the Fallen and Claw of the Fallen, and Shiverpeaks Pass
  • Pass – The Shiverpeaks Pass strike mission
  • Bears – Sometimes Koda, Claw, Voice: The Voice of the Fallen and Claw of the Fallen strike mission
  • Fraenir – Fraenir of Jormag strike mission
  • WoJ – Sometimes whisper, the Whisper of Jormag strike missions
  • Aetherblade – Sometimes Aether, the Aetherblade Hideout strike mission
  • Junkyard – Sometimes Annka, the Xunlai Jade Junkyard strike mission
  • KO – The Kaineng Overlook strike mission
  • HT – The Harvest Temple strike mission

Cross Content

  • CM – Challenge Mode or Mote, a harder version of a fight
  • KP – Kill proof, an item or title that proves you have completed a boss before
  • Daily – Daily achievements that change every day that will reward bonus loot for completing specific objectives
  • EXP – Experienced
  • LFG – Looking for group
  • LFM – Looking for more
  • LFT – Looking for team
  • LFR – Looking for raid
  • adds – Weaker enemies who fight with a boss
  • trash – groups of enemies in between bosses

Skills and Traits

  • DPS – Damage per second
  • CDPS – Condition damage per section
  • Boons – Sometimes buffs. Temporary, beneficial, positive effects
  • Conditions – Sometimes DoTs. Temporary, harmful, negative effects
  • Condi – Shorthand for conditions
  • Quick – Quickness, a boon that increases ability speed
  • Alac – Alacrity, a boon that decreases ability cooldowns
  • Stab – Stability, a boon that prevents crowd control abilities
  • CC – Crowd control. Abilities that slow, knockdown, etc
  • Res – Sometimes rez, resurrect
  • Precast – Casting abilities and skills in advance, normally to stack boons
  • CD – Cooldown, the recharge time for a skill
  • AA – Autoattack
  • ICD – Internal cooldown, the time between attacks of an ability that attacks multiple times
  • Boonstrip – Skills that remove boons from enemies
  • Veil – Mesmer’s Veil ability that grants stealth
  • AoE – Area of Effect
  • AotJ – Ashes of the Just Firebrand skill
  • AP – Assassin’s Presence (not to be confused with Achievement Points)
  • CA – Celestial Avatar, a Druid mechanic
  • EA – Empower Allies, a Warrior trait
  • Epi – Epidemic, a Necromancer ability
  • FA – Fresh air, an Elementalist trait
  • FGS – Fiery Greatsword, an elementliast elite skill
  • GotL – Grace of the Land, a Druid trait
  • Port – Portal Entre, a Mesmer ability
  • PS – Phalanx Strength, a Warrior trait
  • RI – Righteous Instincts, a Guardian trait
  • RR – Righteous Rebel, a Renegade trait


  • Spec – Specializations for specific professions
  • Professions – The official Guild Wars 2 name for class
  • dh – Dragonhunter
  • fb – Firebrand
  • wb – Willbender
  • slb – Soulbeast
  • vindi – Vindicator
  • holo – Holosmith
  • dd – Daredevil
  • de – Deadeye
  • chrono – Chronomacer
  • virt – Virtuoso
  • harb – Harbinger
  • bsw – Bladesworn


  • LI – Low Intensity, not to be confused with Legendary Insight
  • Alacrage – Alacrity Mirage
  • Alacrigade – Sometimes AlacRen, Alacrity Renegade
  • BS – Banner Slave
  • CFB – Condition Firebrand
  • CQB – Condition Quickbrand
  • HB – Sometimes HFB, Healbrand
  • Chronotank – Chronomancer tanking build
  • HK – Hand Kiter
  • HS – Sometimes HSc, Heal Scourge
  • Hmech, sometimes hm – Heal Mechanist
  • ham – Heal Alacrity Mechanist
  • hcata – Heal Catalyst
  • hat – Heal Alacrity Tempest
  • qharb – Quickness Harbinger
  • qcata – Quickness Catalyst
  • alacmech – Alacrity Mechanist
  • miralac – Alacrity Mirage
  • alacren – Alacrity Renegade
  • psb – Power Soulbeast
  • charb – Condition Harbinger

Player vs Player

  • PvP – Player vs Player
  • SPvP – Structured Player vs Player
  • HotM – Heart of the Mists, the PvP lobby
  • Spawn – Where your team starts in a map
  • Conquest – 5v5 with 3 capture points
  • Node – The capture points in Conquest maps
  • Home – The closest node to your team’s spawn
  • Far – The farthest node to your team’s spawn
  • Mid – The middle node in a map
  • Beast – Svanir or Chieftain Utahein in the Forest of Niflhel map
  • Lord – The Red or Blue lord in the Legacy of the Foefire map
  • Orb – The orb you capture in the Spirit Watch map
  • Meditation – The Meditation of Stillness and Meditation of Tranquility channeling objectives in the Temple of the Silent Storm map
  • Treb – The trebuchet in the Battle of Khylo map
  • Laser – Sometimes cannon or Skyhammer, the special capture point in the Skyhammer map
  • Bell – Sometimes cannons, the special capture point in the Revenge of the Capricorn map
  • Sword – The Sword of Reaping special item in the Eternal Coliseum map
  • Shield – The Shield of Life special item in the Eternal Coliseum map
  • Champ – The Mist Champions in the Battle of Champion’s Dusk map
  • Ninja – Capturing a point without the other team noticing
  • Group – The entire team coming together
  • Rotate – Moving from one capture point to another
  • Defend – Sometimes bunker, sitting on one capture point to hold it
  • Cap – Capture a capture point
  • AT – Automated tournaments
  • Decap – Remove a capture point from enemy control without full capturing it for yourself

World vs World

  • WvW – World vs World
  • Bomb – The squad using every skill on the enemy
  • Bait – Tricking enemy group into using bomb
  • Juke – Quickly moving in a direction and going back to original location
  • Water – Putting down water fields and bursting them with abilities
  • Smoke – Thieves blasting smoke fields to grant stealth
  • Stealth – Cast stealth abilities on the squad, such as Mesmer Veil
  • Pull – Using pull abilities to grab enemy players
  • Lines – Guardians using Staff skill 5
  • Stack – The entire group forming tightly on top of each other
  • Pirate ship – The group using entirely ranged characters
  • Flip – Capturing an objective
  • PvD – Player versus door, players attacking gates
  • Outer – The outermost or first set of walls in a keep
  • Inner – The innermost or second set of walls in a keep
  • Bay – Sometimes fire. The westernmost keep on WvW maps.
  • Hills – Sometimes air. The easternmost keep on WvW maps.
  • Garri – Garrison, the northernmost keep on WvW maps
  • wg – Water gate, the gate with a water entrance in the garrison in Alpine Borderlands
  • Camp – Supply Camps
  • Yak – Supply Dolyaks
  • NWT – Northwest Tower
  • NET – Northeast Tower
  • SWT – Southwest Tower
  • SET – Southeast Tower
  • NWC – Northwest Camp
  • NEC – Northeast Camp
  • SWC – Southwest Camp
  • SEC – Southeast Camp
  • SMC – Stone Mist Castle in the Eternal Battlegrounds
  • EBG – Eternal Battlegrounds
  • BL – Borderlands
  • DBL – Desert Borderlands
  • ABL – Alpine Borderlands
  • EotM – Edge of the Mists
  • GBL – Green Borderlands
  • BBL – Blue Borderlands
  • RBL – Red Boderlands
  • OS – Obsidian Sanctum
  • Fog – The fog tactivator that applies chill to enemies in an objective
  • Airship – The airship tactivator that bombards enemies in SMC
  • EWP – The emergency waypoint tactivator that spawns a temporary waypoint
  • AC – Arrow Cart siege equipment
  • Ram – Flame Ram siege equipment
  • Cata – Catapult siege equipment
  • Treb – Trebuchet siege equipment
  • Bal – Ballista siege equipment
  • Golem – Siege Golem siege equipment
  • Sup – Supply, used to build and repair
  • Zerg – Groups of players usually 20+ and unorganized
  • Blob – Groups of players usually 20+ and organized
  • Havoc – Smaller group of players that focus on capturing smaller objectives
  • Roamer – A single player roaming around the map
  • Duel – Two players fighting eachother
  • RI – Righteous Indignation, the invulnerability that an objective boss has after recently being captured
  • CT – Contested
  • OJ – Orange swords
  • CD – Cool down
  • Tag – The commander
  • Rally – Regroup at a specific location
  • Push – Attack a specific location
  • Wipe – Completely killing an entire enemy group
  • Rush – Running to a specific location without stopping
  • Snipe – Target an enemy and burst them down by range, usually done be rangers focusing longbow attacks on an enemy commander (looked down upon)
  • Inc – Incoming, an enemy group is running towards your group
  • GvG – Guild vs guild, usually organized and planned fights
  • Bag – Bags of loot that drop from killing enemies
  • PPT – Points per tick
  • PPK – Points per kill

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